Monday, April 1, 2013

I was quite happy to see that our store was fully crowded during Tabletop Day with people playing all kinds of games, from Saboteur to Clash of Cultures and 1856. Everybody was having good time and that's what this event is all about.

I was part of the 18xx-gang with playing the 1856 and it was also a nice (a bit long-ish, though) experience. It was also one of the rare times this game ended with bankruptcy (had happened only once so far), so it was kind of "sudden death" experience for everybody. I was left third in 5-player game but I was happy with the result nevertheless - my game start and mid-play were executed almost perfectly, at the moment of bankruptcy I had two companies with 2 x 5-trains and 1x 6-train. Now I just have to start paying more attention to possible bankruptcy evasion mechanisms for other players, as well :) Actually in my first game of 1830 in 5-Nation Tournament I already had similar situation when I was facing option to trigger phase change and thus also bankruptcy of one player - but being an PBE-game I had more time for analysing and noticed that I would've been left in fourth place this way... so I had to postpone the triggering until next OR when the victim had already enough money to survive. So, third place from that event first round, as well.

Later we tried Kids of Carcassonne with 4 grown-ups - and this game ROCKS as a strategy game! :) Well, ok... let's say as strategical party game - or something like that. Anyway, I haven't laughed so much for a long time as I did when playing this game, 4 times in a row. It's fast, it's highly tile-dependant and every move you make is good either for you or somebody else. Most of the times - for somebody else.

Dominion is a game, too dry for me for playing it with friends. Strange thing is, though, that as Android app - it's quite entertaining. I have played it 60+ times on tablet - but I have no desire whatsoever to even try playing it face-to-face. Go figure.

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