Monday, March 31, 2014

Too long have the COIN-series gathered dust on my shelves. Too long have some games been left unplayed. Too long, changes must be made.

Meanwhile, in parallel universe...

7 Wonders is still good for casual play (but I have a latest Wonder Pack still unopened). Tzolk'in still feels quite bland. (And I still don't understand why? Being "too euro" hasn't bothered me before liking some games). Tsuro, Guess Who, Roundhouse Kick, Get Bit are still good to play with kid. As well as For Sale (with some house rules).

In other news...

Making Profit: The Boardgame has now online-version. Yes, all you millions, who haven't been able to get a physical copy - now you have a chance to try how does the gameplay look like. But beware - AI is not the brighest (read: dumb as myself). And there are no in-game hints/tutorials, so read the rules first :)

Over and out.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Couple of wargame fillers - first Stand at Mortain. I was a bit sceptical first when I saw that standard 53-card deck (incl. 1 Joker) is used with the game - but the game was surprisingly decent. It's not perfect, as I find Allied side a bit overpowered, but considering it being a 'postcard wargame' there is plenty of opportunities/depth available. For more balanced gameplay there is also a variant where some of the cards are removed from the deck - and I believe this would create even more tension.

Second game we played was Field of Glory: The Card Game - and again, decent wargame filler. First you have to build your deck with very simple mechanics and then control 3 out of 5 terrains. As simple as that. Also game ends after both players have played through their draw deck twice - and when considering that after your first turn you've drawn already 12 cards (out of 24 in draw deck) it's really fast to play.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Yeah, that's true...

2009 January+February 45 games played. 2010 - 63 games. 2011 - 69. 2012 - 90. 2013 - 68 games. And this year it's... 31 games. Out of these 15 were Risk Legacy, so the actual number is even smaller, 16. Kinda sad. Must try harder! :-)

I got Risk Legacy as birthday gift, so it was quite natural to start the year by playing it. 15 games were played in 6 sessions within two months. And it's quite fun, for a Risk, and - it's main virtue - short to play. Sometimes we managed to play 3 (once even 4) games during one 4-5 hour session. One envelope was also left unopened... so there is still some replayability left! I'm not sure I'd play it 2-3-4 times in a row anymore... but occasionally, why not.

Also managed to play one 1830: Railways & Robber Barons. Runaway leader (in terms of company value) paid out dividends like there was no tomorrow and when inevitable (purchase of first Diesel) happened, game ended with banktruptcy for that player. Like a textbook example :) But if that player would've succeeded in avoiding bankruptcy, things would've gotten quite interesting, as another player received from him presidency of company with (another) brand new Diesel. This, in addition to her own company, would have made quite a difference.

. I seem to like Friese's designs and this is not an exception. It's worker placement with parts from Agricola, Through the Ages and Dominion - and it's quite fun.

Indonesia - more I play it, more I like it. I don't know why but so far in all three games I have played, I've always been in charge of shipping companies most of the time. This also means that my development options are quite limited but it's still interesting. I'd also say that this game should be played always with maximum players as it speeds up gameplay (in terms of rounds) and also creates more tension/interaction.