Friday, March 22, 2013

Silence may be golden... but not anymore. Hopefully, from now on, I have enough time again for gaming. And writing about it. Busy times, bygone.

Tried Merchant of Venus recently and I was pretty surprised about how this game can be quite enjoyable, while using the "good old" roll-and-move mechanics. Made me wonder if Snakes & Ladders could be improved by adding some pick-up-and-deliver parts to it :)

Also had an opportunity to try out two games from local, Estonian designers - Construction Zone and Alles Käse. The latter is pretty surprising nice filler, where you can get maximum value from minimal components. Although the rules are written a bit in illogical order (at least for me, so couple of first plays were played by wrong rules) but despite that it's pretty good. The former is a bit more set collection and has less meaningful choices I'd really enjoy - so, not my cup of tea. And the cards felt a bit flimsy (is that a word, actually? Well, Google says it is, good for me!) as well. At least it's fast to play.

2-player Brass is still a hit. I remember that my first time ever with this game I managed to play surprisingly good high-income game (was left second by narrow margin in 3-player game) - but no matter how hard I have tried now, haven't been able to repeat it. Taking loans is soooo tempting. And easy :)

A bit of wargaming as well. Combat Commander first, with me in charge of Polish forces against Ze Germanz. Enjoyable play, as usually, with both sides having chance to win during last turn. Polish forces had to eliminate one more German unit... while the Axis needed just to survive the turn. Axis won :)

Another wargame played was Napoleons Triumph - where Russian forces managed to make quite devastating offensive moves during forst couple of turns and the rest was... waiting for inevitable to happen. It felt like playing Twilight Struggle first time with somebody who knows all the cards and the possible outcomes.

Th-th-th-that's all folks!