Friday, August 9, 2013

There hasn't been much LOTR playing happened after finishing the "Journey down the Anduin"... perhaps small break is needed. Played it only twice during last week: once for recording the score in JdtA (85, playing with two decks) and another for testing the "Escape from Dol Guldur". As Gimli was the one who was captured, this quest was fast. Didn't win. :)

Tried to survive in the desert couple of times, as well. Forbidden Desert. Failed, as usual. But, as I've said before and will say again: I love this game.

Last time I played Stone Age it was 2009.. so decided to give it another try. Played 3-player game where one experienced player was facing two noobs. Well... when using wargaming terms then it was a massacre. 64 points with final scoring, he managed to collect all the stone axes from the card deck. As the collections were not visible to others (but you were allowed to check them yourselves, by suggested houserules) - what can you do.

A bit of wargaming as well. Andean Abyss has been quite a long time on my wish list - I even succeeded in ordering that once but it went OOS while waiting for payment confirmation - so I was happy to have it tried before purchasing. And it's a good one. I had quite basic knowledge about the situation in Colombia but event cards and designer notes gave quite a good overview - edutainment! And the game itself is good - most of the time you are faced with difficult decisions. This may also lead to AP... but luckily there are no lots of decisions. Just if I should play this turn nor should I wait until another... and if I play this turn then what action should I take. Simple mechanics, solid gameplay - that's the kind I like.