Friday, September 6, 2013

It's not that there has been nothing to speak about - there have been lots of plays, one wargame bootcamp and a nice Virgin Queen tomorrow, for example - but I've ran out of blogging time recently, instead. Time to play - yes; time to blog about it - no. But better this way than the opposite.

Just finished the first scenario from LOTR "The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill" saga expansion. It was a tad difficult in solo but really enjoyable when playing two-handed (with hobbit period decks). And as I don't read the stage descriptions before encountering them - it was a real surprise after advancing to third stage there. And really thematic.

On the other hand, I also had a chance to play the Cryptozoic's version of LOTR... man, this was boring. It didn't have even the usual deckbuilding choice of going for kills or buys - it just has only one resource - power! One! So you draw your hand, add the power together and buy the highest card you can afford. Rinse and repeat for 30 minutes.

And when talking about deckbuilders - bought to myself a Legendary. After first play, I must admit, I was left with really WTH-impression. It kinda was a deckbuilding... and then it wasn't. But after some more plays I realised that it shouldn't be compared with ordinary deckbuilders, as the missions add a lot here. Only drawback is that it's so easy in standard mode when playing solo or with 2p... but it has potential to be more difficult when playing with 3+ players. Looking forward to it. Tried also once with advanced solo rules - resulted in easiest win ever :) Sentinels of Multiverse is still better for "I'm the superhero!" feeling, but Legendary is more like watching a movie or reading a comics where the story evolves from "Mwahahaa, I'm gonna punish you all, you puny heroes" to "Not so mastermind anymore, aye?".

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